Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The Gospel makes us happy

We got to spend some time in our area this week and it paid off! We were led to several new investigators and had some awesome experiences. One of which I'll share:
We were walking through an apartment complex and started talking with this guy who was at his car. He was open and friendly, and asked us a question like, "So what is this all about?" We shared a brief summary of the restoration and that through it we can be with our families forever. "Now that is something I'm interested in!" He responded. We gave him a Book of Mormon and he was so excited to read it! As he walked away with book in hand, he turned back and said, "I don't know why, but I'm just so happy right now! Thanks Elders!"
In plain and simple terms, the restored gospel of Jesus Christ just makes us happy! When we went back to follow up, he had read from the book and is excited to learn more. Through the gospel we can be truly happy, no matter our circumstances. 
This week is going to be extremely busy, we have MLC tomorrow, transfers to get ready for, GENERAL CONFERENCE, and Elder Wilson finishes his mission next week. We are sprinting to the finish! We are so excited though for General Conference and have been extending the invitation to everyone to come listen to a prophet's voice. I extend that same invitation to you! If you listen with the Spirit, you will receive a personal, prophetic epistle just for you. I love you all, have an incredible week!

-Elder Francis
Throwback to the MTC because we didn't take any pictures this week!

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