Monday, March 13, 2017

This is the ACTUAL last door

We had an awesome awesome week last week here in sunny California! We put an investigator named Carlos on date this week! We invited him to be baptized and he said, "Yes, I will do it. But before I am baptized I need to learn and I need to change." What a humble response!! Learning and change for the better is exactly what the gospel brings!
I got to go on two exchanges this week, first with Elder Cabrera who is from Mexico, and then with Elder Salyer from Virginia. They were both great. Elder Salyer and I had a cool experience at the end of the night:
Because there are sooooo many people in Southern California, there are A TON of apartment complexes, and they are a common place to find people to teach. The apartment complex we were trying to visit someone in was very well locked up, so we couldn't get in. We decided to try the one next to it, which was totally open! We stood in the middle of the complex and looked around, trying to seek the spirit to decide which doors to knock with our last few minutes.
 After a couple seconds, the impression came, "stop wasting time and just start knocking."  So we did! And after a few doors, we met some people from several different races and religions, but no one with any interest in the gospel. It was time to head back, but we felt like there was still something in that complex that we hadn't gotten to yet. We decided on the last door. Knock knock knock......waiting..... aaaaaand no answer. Bummer! We started heading back, but there was the gentlest impression that there was something else. "Alright this is the actual last door." Knock knock knock. A young woman opened up! Immediately I felt impressed to testify of the importance and eternal nature of the family. We told her that the world was turning further and further away from the family, but our message strengthens and protects families from the evils of the world. 
"Wow!" She said, "I just had my first child a few weeks ago. I've been wanting to bring him to a church. Can we come to yours?" Uhh yeah you can!! We have a return appointment with Desiree and her family for this week! 
I'm so grateful for the Spirit, and for the incredible message that we do have. The Spirit is everything in this work. When we can be worthy vessels of the Spirit, so that He might work through us, we will see miracles. Like we did with Desiree.
I love you everyone! Have a great week!

-Elder Francis
We got to go to a temple grounds tour this week! Polaroid and iPhone versions!

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