Monday, March 20, 2017

The parable of the empty well

Hey everybody! This week was ZONE CONFERENCES!! We got to give
training to all of the missionaries throughout the mission for three
days. It was exhausting, but was so wonderful. I love being able to
hear the testimonies and insights from all of the incredible
missionaries. There is such a powerful spirit when the Lord's servants
gather together.
 We gave our training on how to study and prepare to teach the
lessons. We used the analogy of READY (study and apply the doctrine),
AIM (organize what you teach into a lesson plan), FIRE (teach the
lesson), and ADJUST YOUR SIGHTS (evaluate your teaching). And I used
some hunting experiences from my youth (shoutout to my dad!)
To explain the importance of our studies, we shared a parable and
asked, "How does this relate to our studies of the gospel? Here is the
There was a man, who after a long, dry winter went to a well to draw
water for his garden. He lowered his bucket into the well and pulled
it up to find no water in it. The well had gone dry. Not knowing what
to do he knelt to ask his Father in Heaven to grant him water for his
garden. The impression came to him, "dig", so the man lowered himself
down into the dry well and began to dig. As he did so, he noticed the
dry ground was slowly replaced with wet soil, then mud. He continued
to dig until he was knee deep in water. He had tapped into the
underground reservoir which filled his well with pure water. He
returned to the top and thanked his Father in Heaven. He was able to
draw water from the well to nourish him and his garden for many days,
all the while praising God.
We each have been given our own little garden from the Lord! I invite
each of you to ponder how this parable can apply to your life and your
study of the gospel!
Also as part of Zone Conferences, the new Easter initiative was
announced! #PrinceofPeace!! The video is probably my favorite that the
church has ever made, and it the whole initiative uses my favorite
picture of the Savior. I'm so excited to share it with people. The
initiative begins and is open to the public on March 31st.
We have an awesome week planned where we will get to spend a lot of
time in our area, I can't wait! Have a fantastic week everyone!

-Elder Francis

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