Monday, March 6, 2017

Peter, John, and William

Well it's only been three days since my last Pday, but it's been an
awesome three days!
Friday night we had one of those lessons that every missionary dreams
of. We met a young former investigator named Debbie and she said we
could come back, so we did, and taught the Restoration to her, her
parents, and her two sisters! It was a powerful lesson and they all
showed a desire to be baptized! Because Debbie's parents are primarily
Spanish speaking, we had a hybrid lesson where we taught in English
and Spanish. I accidentally called Christ's apostles Pedro (Peter),
Juan (John), and Guillermo (William) instead of Santiago (James).
Whoops! They got confused, but accepted it nonetheless, figuring they
just didn't know that apostle.
We decided to pass them over to the Spanish program, where we feel
they will progress better, but it was such an awesome lesson.
This weekend we had Stake Conference! Elder Bruce E Ghent of the
Seventy attended and we got to hear him speak twice! One quote from
him that I loved was this: "If your faith, prayers, and the power of
the priesthood do not remove your afflictions, the power of the
Atonement will certainly give you the strength to endure them." There
are some trials in life we just have to bear. We may at times, like
the Savior, cry out, "remove this cup from me", but if the will and
plan of the Lord is otherwise, may we humbly submit to the will of the
Father, exemplified perfectly by Jesus Christ in the words,
"nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt." As we do, the Savior
will be there with us to bear our burdens and to share our load, and
we will come off conquerors. Have a wonderful week everybody! I love
-Elder Francis

2) shoutout to Sister Hawkins for providing our Marti Gras celebrations/dinner!
3) bird is the word
1) we hiked Blackstar Canyon today!

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