Monday, October 3, 2016

Conference weekend

Well this week has been soooo amazing! We received some awesome training at Mission Leadership Council on Tuesday on extending commitments and helping those we teach to keep their commitments. We were then able to take that training to the zone on Thursday. Commitment is such an essential principle in this life. It is what propels us through this life. Just as we extend invitations to our investigators, the Lord has extended the commitment to all of us to "Come follow me." It is our commitment to that invitation that determines whether or not we receive all of the promised blessings He has in store for us, even all that He has.
Then of course, GENERAL CONFERENCE!!! Sunday morning we went over to the Chavez family's house for breakfast. It was great, and our recent convert Samantha invited her friend Chalena, so after watching the morning session together, we taught her the Restoration, and she really liked it! We are hopefully going to start teaching her now!
I had an awesome experience this conference. As I prepared for it, I prayerfully pondered about several questions that I want to receive an answer for from general conference. The first question I wrote and the driving question I had for this conference was "How can I come to know God?" If any of you were able to watch the Sunday afternoon session, then you'll know that Elder David A Bednar spoke on exactly that subject! I was so happy! I started telling the people I was sitting by, "That was my question! That was my question!" There was such a wonderful spirit that came with general conference, and I can't wait to study the talks again and again over the coming weeks and months.
Our district went on a fun hike today! I'll add some pictures of that too! We get to go to the temple next Tuesday!! I'm so excited! So that'll be my Pday next week. Thanks for reading everyone, have a fantastic week!

-Elder Francis
1) Conference at the Chavez' 
2-3) The hike this week!

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