Monday, October 31, 2016


HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYBODY👻🎃🕸 today our Pday schedule is a little different, so if you get an email in the evening time don't be surprised. Elder Thornton and I made some awesome plans for the evening, including carving pumpkins, roasting marshmallows, and watching the Disneyland firework show (from the apartment of course...)! 
This has been an awesome week! We got to go on two exchanges with the Anaheim and Fullerton Zone Leaders. I got to go with two of my good friends, Elder Smith and Elder Durney. It was great to catch up with them and see how they are doing.
Alright so here's the thriller of the week! Wednesday night we got a call from the sister missionaries in the Stanford ward, my old ward. They were informing me that their investigator, Beth Koenig, was getting baptized on Saturday at 11! And then -get this- she asked ME to baptize her!!!😆 I had met with Beth several times and gave her a blessing once when she was sick, so I was surprised and excited when she asked me to baptize her!
Come Saturday morning, we got a text from the Stanford sisters saying Beth's car was towed and the baptism was cancelled😔...... "this is Satan's doing!" I thought to myself. We decided to give Beth a call. We talked to her and long story short she decided to just push the baptism back to 2 o clock! So at 2, I was able to baptize Beth, and the next day she was confirmed a member of the church and given the gift of the Holy Ghost.😊 Better luck next time, Satan.
This week will be a good one! We have MLC tomorrow and, Zone trainings to attend on Wednesday and Thursday, and exchanges on Friday and Saturday! There ain't no rest for the wicked! Have a great week everybody! I love you!
-Elder Francis
1. Joe's Ice with a Spanish District
2. Beth's baptism
3. Elder Durney and I on exchanges

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