Monday, October 17, 2016


I'm going home early!! 🎉🎉🎉
Just kidding, I'm staying in California, at least for about 8 more months.. The actual results are just as terrifying though. I'm sad to say that I am leaving my beloved Garden Grove. I figured something was going to change, because I was getting too comfortable here hahaha. The past 6 months have been some of the best of my whole life! I have absolutely loved my time here, and have met some incredible people. I'll attach pictures at the bottom of some of the families that we became closest with.
I'm also leaving Elder Sirrine!😫. After three transfers together (just over 4 months) he has become one my closest friends. He gets to stay and he'll do great here!
Well, I guess I better say where I've been transferred to.... I've been assigned to the Anaheim 3rd ward on the North side, where I will serve as an Assistant to President Taggart. Assistants to the President travel around the mission giving trainings, help the mission president fulfill his responsibilities, and go on exchanges with the Zone Leaders and missionaries throughout the mission. My new companion is Elder Thornton, a missionary I really look up to. He is actually from the Spanish program, so it will be a really neat opportunity to serve with him.
Honestly, I'm pretty terrified about my new assignment! It comes with new responsibilities and assignments that I'm not used to! I haven't been able to sleep well since president called on Thursday night, and I think that is pretty common for the job. As I've turned to the Lord in study and prayer, He has filled me with hope, and I know that "whom the Lord calls, the Lord qualifies." He will lift me up and help me to become all that He needs me to be. I'm eager for the opportunity to work with President Taggart, to learn and to grow, to be humbled and corrected. The next few months of my mission will bring all of these things, and I trust that they will be for my eternal benefit.
So that's that! I also was able to go on two exchanges with Elder Mills, and Elders Nguyen and Poulsen (in the Vietnamese program). Elder Nguyen finishes his mission tomorrow! I got to go on the last exchange of his mission with him, and what a neat experience that was! It was amazing to see how much the Vietnamese people loved and revered him. He has been such a blessing to our zone, the Vietnamese program, their branch, and to me. I hope I can be like him at the end of my mission.
Alright, that's probably all that I have time for this week. Elder Carl B. Cook of the Seventy (he spoke in this last conference) is conducting a mission tour this week!! It'll be so neat to get to meet him! Thanks for reading, I love you all and have a great week!

-Elder Francis
1. The district
2.the Chavez family. Samantha (on left) was baptized in July.
3.The Hickens. Bishop Hicken has been sooooo awesome for us and the ward
4. the Prices, some of my favorite people ever! and my Koreans

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