Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Losing my life in His service

Well, I'm happy to report that I survived the busiest week of my life... barely... But it was an incredible one that included a mission tour from Elder Carl B Cook of the Seventy, and a baptism!
On Tuesday we dropped off the departing missionaries at the airport. We got to drive the big van (see attached pics). I said goodbye to a few of my good friends, who had successfully completed their mission. It was bittersweet. But then we immediately picked up the new ones!! In that particular batch there were 6 new sisters and 1 elder! President Taggart said, "Alright, sisters will be riding in the van, the elder can come with us." So 6 sister missionaries piled in our van hahaha and we drove them back to the mission home! That was different.... but it was awesome to spend the rest of the day with the new missionaries and feel their greenie fire!
Wednesday we had training to the district and zone leaders, which was intimidating at first, but went well. Later that night we met in a special meeting with President and Sister Taggart and Elder and Sister Cook, in preparation for the Zone Conferences on Thursday and Friday. That was such a neat experience!! The Cooks are amazing! Elder Cook just spoke in Conference a few weeks ago, so it was really neat to meet him in person. 
Thursday and Friday we got to attend both of the Zone Conferences! That was incredible. We just got to sit and be fed spiritually for like 6 hours, two days in a row! I loved it so much. I could talk for hours about the training we received, but all in all there was a big focus on becoming converted to the gospel ourselves, so that we can be more effective as missionaries. It was amazing.
 During the conference, a scripture was impressed upon my mind, and it has stuck with me since. Matthew 10:39 "For whosoever will find his life shall lose it; but whosever will lose his life for my sake shall find it." I desire to lose my life in the service of the Lord! I need to! It has become my goal and motivation!
Then Saturday we had a baptism! Amidst everything else we had to do, during the week we met with Brother and Sister Mills and finished up the lessons, had Sister Mills' baptismal interview, and prepared the program! Sister Mills got baptized on Saturday afternoon, and now they are working as a couple towards going to the temple! That was a sweet sweet experience.
On Sunday I went to my new ward for the first time! That was weird because nearly half of the members who attended were just visitors for Disneyland. That's what happens when you serve in Anaheim I guess... but it was really good. Sister Mills got confirmed and everything was happy dandy. 
We would come home every night, use every last ounce of energy we had to plan for the next day, and just collapse in exhaustion! But it was one of the best weeks of my entire mission! I learned so much and I am just so so happy! I love being a missionary!!! Thanks for reading everybody! I love you all!

-Elder Francis
1) elevator at the airport with departing missionaries!
2) party van with the new missionaries!
3)Sister Mills' Baptism!
4)The Cooks
5) I get to watch the beautiful sunrise from our apartment window every morning. We are on the 5th floor

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