Monday, October 10, 2016

Transfer of the temple!

It's temple trip day!!! Which also means Cafe Rio day! (We have a tradition of getting cafe rio for lunch on our way back from the temple) so needless to say, it's been a really really good day.πŸ˜„ This is the third time I've been able to go to the temple this transfer, so it's really just made the transfer all the better. I love the temple so much. 
This past week has been awesome! Why??πŸ‡°πŸ‡· Koreans! πŸ‡°πŸ‡·That's why! I got to go on two exchanges with Elders in the Korean program last week. I was able to go with both Elder Stumpf and Elder Jo in one, and then Elder Kahng in the other. I absolutely love the Koreans. Sometimes I wish I was one haha. They just make the whole room brighter with their fun attitudes and personalities. 
On my exchange with Elder Kahng, we got to go to the baptism of a friend of his from high school in the Orange Hills YSA ward! That's right! The last ward I served in!!! So I got to go and see a lot of my old friends from the YSA. It took me back to my time there and made me miss it. I loved my time there! But I also love it here in Garden Grove, and I'm so happy to be here.
But I might not be for long!😫 This is the last week of the transfer! We will know on Saturday if I'm leaving the area, but I've been here for nearly 6 months, and Elder Sirrine and I have been together for 3 transfers, so odds are one of us is outta here! One can still hope though... Elder Sirrine is awesome. We've become even better friends than we were before we became companions.
The temple this morning was so wonderful. With conference on my mind, and the things I personally want to work on, the session today filled me with hope and gratitude and a witness of the inspired nature of the gospel and church. I am amazed at the pure simplicity of the ordinances of the gospel, and the incredible power that lies within those ordinances. They are filled with plainness and truth. There is power in simplifying our lives and focusing on the core principles of the gospel. There is power in simplicity. There is power in plainness. There is power in truth. 
I'll be sure to fill you all in on the results of transfers next week! Thanks for reading everybody! Have a great week!

-Elder Francis

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