Monday, September 26, 2016

Happy Fall Y'all!🍂

It's been an awesome first week of fall! A theme that has reoccurred throughout this entire week is families! In our zone we've placed a big emphasis on finding and teaching families, and every day th
On Wednesday we had district finding, where each companionship in our district split up in our area and tried to find people for 90 minutes. We picked a street and started knocking, and over the next hour or so, we found 3 families who all wanted us to come back! Also, nobody was even mean to us, which never happens!
At the end of that night it was around 8:50 and we were headed home, but rather than turn in 5 minutes early, we decided to pull over and knock on one more door! So we tried to follow the spirit and ended up on a random street at a random house. We knocked on the door, and this guy opened up. Totally not interested! "Are there any families in the neighborhood that could benefit from this message?" We asked..
"Alright, well have a wonderful night!" As we turned to walk away, he stopped us-
"Actually, wait!... There is one family you can visit. Their little baby just got very sick and they might need a shoulder to cry on"...  Booyah!! (Well not the baby part) Miracles miracles all around!
It would almost be nice if the story ended right there. We visited that family the next day, and  after sharing with them briefly about the Plan of Salvation, they weren't interested in learning more. Often uin life and on missions we have incredible experiences that seem to end in disappointment, but if we can see them with an eternal perspective, we see the ultimate end goal, which is bright and encouraging. We see that what may seem like a failure is simply a moment of doubt in a far greater plan filled with hope and faith and love. 
On Saturday I was able to go on an exchange with my good friend Elder Seegmiller. Throughout the day, we had three different experiences where people we met had recently lost beloved family members. Each of them turned into tender moments where we were able to teach eternal truths about the Plan of Salvation and the Restoration of the priesthood. I'm so grateful for the knowledge I have of the Plan of Salvation! Thanks for reading, have a great week everyone!
-Elder Francis

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