Sunday, September 25, 2016

I love to see the temple, I went inside last week 🎶

This week was incredible! As I mentioned in last week's email, we are looking for families in the zone right now, and over the past few weeks we have been led to several that show a lot of potential. One definitely worth mentioning is a family of 12 that we found! (That's right. 12. And no they are not Polynesian) the kids range from age 19 to 2! They are named-hopefully I can remember- Sergio, Rosario, Jackie, Janet, Esperanza, Vicky, Annalisa, Dulce, Vanessa, Brian! Whew! It's been difficult to teach them all at the same time, understandably, so last week we taught half of them and the two older ones accepted the invitation to be baptized! Jackie and Esperanza! We are going back tonight to hopefully teach the rest of them! The Lord truly answers prayers, I have no doubt about that! Please keep the Gonzales family in your prayers, thank you so so much!
We also got to go on exchanges with the South Korean missionaries, Elder Kim and Elder Kim! Yup, they have the same name. I was with Elder Donghyun Kim (also called "soccer" Kim) in their area in Irvine! It was great! A lot of the places we went were places I had been when I served in the YSA, so that was really awesome. 
The highlight of my week was being able to attend the sealing of my first convert in the mission field, Lyndsey Hyer. When she was baptized a year and a week ago, her boyfriend Mark was just returning to activity after not being involved in the church for 18 years. Half of his life! A few months later, they were married! Then on Saturday, they were sealed together for time and all eternity. Being able to witness that was one of the highlights of my life! The ordinance was beautiful and simple and brought me so much closer to my Father in Heaven. The spirit washed me over with the calmest peace, the greatest love, and the deepest gratitude that I have probably ever felt. I witnessed for myself a portion of the great joy that is spoken of in Doctrine and Covenants 18. It is amazing! Truly, their sealing was a miracle.
I am so grateful for my mission, thank you everyone for all of your love and support. It's days like Saturday that make everything so so worth it. I love you all!
-Elder Francis
1) sweet fog that rolled in from the coast
2) also, I was translated!
3) Elder Kim and I
4) Lyndsey's baptism on September 12,2015
5) Mark and Lyndsey's sealing on September 17, 2016 (I know, you can hardly recognize me)

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