Friday, September 16, 2016

Opposition in All Things

Hey everybody! This week had its ups and downs, that's for sure, but it was great and we were very blessed. Monday night we had a lesson with our investigator named Jason! We really tried to teach according to his needs, and there was a strong spirit in our lesson with him. We invited him to be baptized, and he accepted!!! We set his date for Nov. 6th. We left that lesson on a spiritual high, so we went back to the car and--- it was gone.... Our car was gone. This little Mexican man says, "Oh was at your car? It just got towed." Darn you Satan.....
So we started the 3 mile walk back to our apartment, at 9:30 at night, in the most dangerous city of the mission. (As a matter of fact, we are just several miles east of Compton!)
The next day we went to go get the car back with our vehicle coordinator Elder Westergard, who is a good friend. They gave us a discount at the towing company for being missionaries, so it only cost me my left arm and firstborn son. I had left my wallet in the car, so we went to go get it and pay, but it wasn't in there... "I must've taken it into the apartment without realizing" I thought. We got back to the apartment and scoured for my wallet, but no luck. We called members, went to places we had been, searched the car, nothing. I think someone from the towing company stole it. I'm mostly sad because my D.A.R.E. graduation card was in there, along with my Eagle Scout card and student I.D. for Senior year. Major bummer.
Later that day we taught a man named Khanh. We invited him to be baptized and he also accepted!! The rest of the week went on to yield a lot of blessings and good results. We had a temple tour of the Newport Beach temple, which Jason and our recent convert Samantha came to! They both loved it! Jason also came to church Sunday! He is onfire!!
I'll leave it at that for this week. We are trying very hard to find and teach families in our area right now. The ward needs strong families to strengthen and lift it. Please pray that we will be led to one. Thanks so much everyone for all of your love and support. I love you!
-Elder Francis

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