Sunday, September 4, 2016

Around the world in 2 days!

ㅗ겨어오 여로러양!!! Mệnh chồn ủ nến kệ em! Hey everybody! I got to go on two exchanges this week with both the Korean and Vietnamese missionaries, hence the trilingual greeting! (Don't try google  translating the Korean or Vietnamese, I just typed random stuff that looked cool) being in the same zone as the Korean and Vietnamese programs has been one of the highlights of my time here in Garden Grove, they have some of the coolest missionaries in the mission! There is only one English district in the zone, so most of the English and Spanish missionaries don't really know the Asian elders, and they are missing out! I love it here!
First I was with Elder Stumpf from the Korean program. We had a great day together and I got to interview two investigators for baptism. We had to have a translator, so that was interesting experience, but it went well, and they got baptized yesterday!
On Saturday I went to the Vietnamese program with Elder Duong (pronounced "Zung"), and that was also a lot of fun! I got to help him teach English to a Vietnamese people (by "help him teach English" I mean that they would ask me for pronunciation on different words that were hard to read). There was also a huge martial arts convention for old Vietnamese people at the church building, so we got to help out with that! I'll attach a sweet video.
Other than that, not much happened! Our ward got a new bishopric, and we are really excited to be working with them and the new dynamic.
This next week is the last week of the transfer already! Time flies!
Have a great week everybody!

-Elder Francis

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