Saturday, August 27, 2016

He's not as tall as you think, but he is as bald

Good afternoon everybody! This week was filled with some of the most powerful teaching and learning experiences I've had as a missionary!
It began last Tuesday with Zone Conference! We were taught by the leaders of the mission and trained again on some of the fundamental aspects of missionary work, that is, planning, finding, and teaching. It was a good refresher. It's always good to go back to the basics. In high school I played tennis, and in tennis, the best players are the ones that have honed and mastered the fundamentals. Every time I'd try to get fancy or showy, the quality of my playing would go way down! In missionary work, whenever we get too focused on the complexities of the work, the quality of our work decreases! The same principle applies to our testimony of and conversion to the gospel.
Then, on Sunday, we had the honor and privilege of being taught by Elder Dallin H Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles! He was here on assignment with Elder Joaquin Costa of the Seventy visiting the Anaheim East Stake, and asked to meet with all of the missionaries serving in the mission! We each got to shake their hands. They are both really happy men, and I felt comfortable and loved around them.
Elder Costa told his conversion story, and spoke on the power of the Book of Mormon. I loved his talk, and I definitely feel that I can do better to use the Book of Mormon in my work. As a mission, we were just invited by our mission president to read the Book of Mormon by the end of the year. We did it last year too, so I'm reall excited to do it again. If you start today and read 4 pages a day, you'll finish just in time for the new year!
Elder Oaks talked about a couple different things. It was weird to hear his voice in person because it is so familiar from conference and videos. He made everyone laugh, and he told jokes throughout his talk. He spoke on this year's emphasis on the worldwide missionary program, Teach Repentance and Baptize Converts. He defined true success as a missionary. He talked about principles of conversion and commitment, and how to be more effective teachers. I got so many incredible notes and quotes, and his teachings definitely will change my mission.
More important than what was said, however, was what was felt! The spirit at the meeting was powerful and undeniable. I received insight and guidance for my life. I was happy and I felt at peace. The spirit confirmed to me the reality of Elder Oaks' call and authority, as well as the truth of his words. The spirit is everything. If we can learn to interpret and live by it's promptings, we've got it made! 
I'm so grateful for the spirit that I've felt this week and every week, and I'm grateful for all of you! Have a great week everyone!

-Elder Francis
Here's a little throwback for y'all to the day I entered the field
with my trainer Elder Burks!! He wasn't even halfway through his
mission in this picture, and now he's a zone leader and goes home in
two weeks! I'm so proud of my papa

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