Saturday, August 6, 2016

I like to look for rainbows....🌈

🎢Hey all you people! Hey all you people! Hey all you people won't you listen to meeeeee!🎢

Ive got some amazing news!..... Samantha Chavez got baptized yesterday!!!! πŸŽ‰πŸ˜†πŸŽ‰ For those of you who may have forgotten (or didn't take the time to read... don't worry, I know how it goes) about Samantha, Elder Sirrine and I knocked into her family after following an impression from the spirit, taught her the Restoration, and invited her to be baptized not even 6 weeks ago. Her mother Marlin was a less active member, who has returned to activity. They accepted the gospel readily back into their lives, and Cuco, Samantha's Catholic father, has been very supportive as well. He came to the baptism, loved it, and actually started asking questions about the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith, so we got to teach him a bit too! I had the privilege of baptizing Samantha. That was one of the highlights of my life. There was such an incredible peace at the service. The spirit impressed upon my heart the smiling approval of our Father in Heaven, and I felt so much love for their precious family! I'm so grateful for the opportunity that I have had to know them and be a part of their conversion to the gospel. I love being a missionary!!

Other than that, we really didn't have all that much going on this last week. We got two brand new missionaries in the zone this week! We helped them set up their iPads and got to know them a bit better. First is Elder Mills, from Vancouver Washington. He's like 6'5", weighs 280lbs and has bright red hair! Then we have Sister Sainan, from Thailand! She just learned English in the MTC! She's awesome haha. She had never been on a plane before, so we asked how she was able to get through all of the airports and connecting flights all by herself without speaking any English. She responded, "I just prayed!" So there you have it folks, if you're ever in trouble or need some help, just pray! It'll all work out! Thanks for reading everybody. I love you all!

-Elder Francis
Okay, don't let her face fool you, Samantha was super nervous before her baptism. Trust me, she actually did want to be baptized!
Also, Marlin took all of her pictures with the chrome filter!

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