Thursday, July 28, 2016

Korean BBQ is my life

Well it's that time of 6 week period again! That's right, transfers!!! I've been in Garden Grove for the past two transfers, or about 3 months, now, and we learned late Sat. night that............ 

I'm staying! And I'm staying with Elder Sirrine!! The adventures of Garden Grove will continue!! At least for 6 more weeks.
This week was a good one to top off the transfer. The Chavez family is doing great. Samantha, the 12 year old, is getting baptized next Sunday!!!😆🎉🏊🏼 She is so ready for it. We went over the interview questions last week and she passed with flying colors. Most prepared 12 year old ever! I'm also super excited because she has asked ME to baptize her!! I'm so humbled and blessed to have known this family. They are amazing, and I love them so much. The Lord has been so good to me, and I'll forever be grateful for the opportunity that I've had to be an instrument in His hands to bless the lives of His children, and to see the gospel of Jesus Christ heal hearts and change lives. I love being a missionary!

The zone, unlike us, is getting some changes this transfer. Two of the three incoming English missionaries will be getting trained in our English district, one Elder and one Sister. It'll be great and we are super excited for it! We also said goodbye to three missionaries this week😩: Elder Jisung Kim (Korean), Elder Naegle (Vietnamese) and Elder Lindstrom (Vietnamese). I got to go on an exchange with Elder Kim last Wednesday (his last one!), and although he doesn't really speak much English haha, it was awesome to get to talk with him about his mission
experience and how blessed he has been and how much he is going to miss the Korean branch and the missionaries. We are definitely gonna miss him too. On that exchange we had 6 lessons completely in Korean!
And they all fed us 😷 ... Sooooo full......I think I only fell asleep once throughout the day!
Side note: we had Korean BBQ on our exchange for lunch and that was the 💣. Seriously. So good.

I think that's about it! We learned not too long ago that Elder Dallin H Oaks is gonna be coming to the mission and speaking to us on August 21!!!!!!! We are all super excited for it and we are starting our preparations now. It'll be so incredible to hear an apostle speak, and such a great blessing for this mission.

I love you all! Thank you for your love and prayers. I appreciate them so much. Have a fantastic week everybody!
-Elder Francis
Garden Grove zone! And more pics from the hike last week
And I said goodbye to one of my good friends today! Elder Pratt is going home!

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