Monday, July 18, 2016



Why'd I start this week's email off with a cry for help voiced in a well known Beatles song?? Because this was a service week! Non-stop! We got recruited to help a woman in the stake clean out her garage and backyard. Doesn't sound too bad right? Well this sister is a hoarder, and possessions have been piling up for 20+ years. By the time we got to it this last week, it was infested with rats, cats and opossums. Oh my! Haha everything was covered in droppings and urine.💩😷 We wore full body tyvek suits and protective masks with air filters to keep us
safe. It was pretty awful. Without a doubt one of the most disgusting places I have ever been. The nastiest experience from the whole thing was when I lifted up an old office chair and something was stuck to
the foot of it. We got a closer look aaaand..... It was an opossum that had died and decayed probably years before, well what was left of it.😱

With service, apartment inspections all over the mission (thanks a lot Korean program), stake reports, president's interviews (which were awesome), and all of the other errands and responsibilities we had this week, there were a couple days where we only had a little bit of time to proselyte, but it's amazing how the Lord totally blessed us
with the work He needed us to do in that short amount of time. We found more new investigators last week than usual. The work has been good! That new Pokemon game is out and so it has been easier to go street contacting because everyone is outside walking around, and it's super easy to start up a conversation  about what Pokemon they have caught that day. The Lord works in mysterious ways. Thanks Nintendo!👾🎮

The zone is doing awesome! Transfers are next Monday, and two of the Vietnamese elders and one of the Koreans are going home😩 (Now there will only be 2 Elder Kims in the Korean district). We are sad to see
them leaving, but I'm excited for the new changes in the zone. Change is good! More likely than not, Elder Sirrine and I will stay together. I've only spent 3 months here in Garden Grove but I love it so much!
Every day is an adventure, and you never know who you are gonna meet haha.

This morning we went on a hike with some of the district members. It was fun and I'll attach some pics. Thanks for reading! Have an incredible week everyone! I love you all!

-Elder Francis

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