Friday, July 15, 2016

Woooooooaahhh we're halfway there

July 8
This past week and a half have been craaaaazy awesome! So much has happened, and I probably won't be able to cover all of it in this email, but I'll do my best. We are writing on Friday because we got to go to the temple today. That was so wonderful. The temple is amazing, and today was especially awesome. I love going to the temple, and today was the fourth time I've been on my mission. Sadly, I'll probably only get to go three more times before I go home...
Which leads me to the next exciting part of the last week and a half, I hit my year mark last Friday!! I can't believe I've already been out for a year. It's kinda scary. It's even scarier to think that I only have one year left. I've got too much left to do! I'm so grateful though for how amazing this past year has been. It's been the best year of my life. It's been really challenging for me, but the Lord has blessed me so much, and I've learned and grown so much. I'll always be grateful for my mission.
Next up, on Saturday the 2nd, the California Anaheim Mission celebrated the 50th anniversary of its creation! We had a big celebration with cultural dances from the Polynesians and Mexicans, and musical numbers performed by missionaries. I got to help write a song for it, which was awesome, and then I sang a duet in another one.
It was fun! Past missionaries that served here came back for the celebration, so I got to see some of my old friends that have since gone home, so that was awesome (and a little weird).
Monday was the Fourth! That was a party haha. Fireworks are legal in Garden Grove so people just set them off in the streets and it kind of felt like a war zone, but it all worked out okay. It was a regular proselyting day, but we couldn't really go door to door, so we sang patriotic carols to less actives with our sisters in the ward and went
chalking at a local park with the district. We got to talk to a lot of people that day so it turned out to be good. We also had a barbecue with the Fehrs (the family back in Orange that got baptized)!!! That was so much fun, and it was great to see them all again. It turned out to be a great day.
I went on an exchange with Elder Kim (known as Magic Kim because there are three elder Kims in the Korean district) from the Korean program. I learned to bear my testimony on obedience in Korean so during our
all-Korean lessons he would look at me and I would say my one line hahaha. Elder Kim is awesome. He is 25 and is from South Korea. He's also an incredible singer and pianist. Seriously the voice of an angel.
The work in the area is going good and the 4 people we put on date acouple weeks ago are still progressing, so that's great! Thanks for all of your love and support everyone, and thanks for reading. Have a great weekend and you'll probably hear from me again on Monday! Unless something crazy happens it won't be much though haha.

 my shirt burning got pretty intense lol
just about everyone who came out with me

It's only been two days..(July 11)
Well, not all that much has happened over the past few days since I last wrote, but we were able to get a lot of finding and teaching done, which was great. We found a new investigator named Breanna that we will get to pass to the YSA.
Church was awesome! We got invited to go to PEC (priesthood executive committee) because our ward mission leader is sick, so we went in his place. By a stroke of luck, there was a special guest who attended that particular PEC! Elder Acosta of the seventy was visiting our stake and decided to come to our ward's PEC!! So there was a general authority sitting next to us in that meeting. It was so cool, he talked about the church's reporting system and system of accountability. I started taking notes haha because everything he said was so profound! That was one of the highlights of our weekend! 
Other than that we haven't had anything exciting happen this weekend. This week will be good. We have president's interviews tomorrow, and those are always awesome. Have a great week everyone! Thanks for all
of your love and support!
Downtown Disney

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