Sunday, August 14, 2016

Word of Wisdom....Seriously?

We had a fantastic week here in sunny SoCal! Here's some of the highlights: Tuesday we had MLC (Mission Leadership Council). This month's theme is the Book of Mormon! So we had a training on that, and then taught it to the zone on Thursday! I have really come to love the Book of Mormon since coming out on my mission. 

Saturday we went on exchange with the assistants to the president! That was sooooo great! I was with Elder Thornton, and I got to go to their area for the day. Man, if you ever want to see how an area should be run, spend a day in Anaheim 3 North. It was a great learning experience for me, and my conviction and desire for the work were renewed. Elder Thornton is so awesome. One highlight of the day was at dinner time: We were having dinner with a Sister Lozano and her four kids. Her oldest son Oscar was there with his wife Veronica and friend, Johnny.
Veronica and Johnny weren't members, and those three were pretty rowdy. They were in the living room drinking beer and using foul language while we were at the dinner table. At the end of dinner, Sister Lozano says, "Stand up Elders! You're teaching all of us!" ...Great... I was a bit nervous, especially considering that Elder Thornton felt strongly that we should teach and prepare a lesson on the word of wisdom for our dinner message... Out of all the lessons.....Haha so we did! It turned into an awesome discussion about God's love for His children. The spirit was so strong! At the end of the lesson we asked if we could sing to them, so we sang Nearer My God
to Thee. Everyone was so reverent and a special and powerful spirit filled the room. Johnny said the closing prayer, and then said "I've been going through some tough times lately, and this was just what I needed. I know that you Elders are sent from God." Yes we are! The spirit is so amazing.

Yesterday, Samantha was confirmed a member of the church and received the gift of the Holy Ghost!! Also, we got a visit from the Fehrs! They are a family that got baptized back in Orange. It was great to see them again, and to see Samantha glowing with the spirit.

That's about it for this week! Thanks for reading everyone, I love you all!
-Elder Francis
We think we're cool:


The Fehrs! (Minus Alicia and Xavier)

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