Monday, May 30, 2016

Joy = Garden Grove Strawberry Festival

Hey everyone! This week was great! As far as the work is concerned, Andrew Muirhead, a little 12 year old kid, is getting baptized on June 12! His dad, who is just returning to activity, is getting the priesthood next week and will be baptizing Andrew and his 8 year old Sister Mia the week following! We are really excited for them! The gospel blesses families, it really does! We have a new senior missionary couple in the ward, the Westergard's from Bountiful Utah! We went out with them Tuesday evening and didn't have anything set, so we just decided to make some visits. In three visits, we taught three lessons! Three times in a row, people invited us in and we were able to teach the Restoration. That never happens haha. Elder Hansen and I were in awe! That was a sweet tender mercy
from this week. 

This weekend was the Garden Grove Strawberry Festival, and president gave us permission to go, and even gave us permission to go on the rides! I guess it's a pretty big deal here. At church last week in the
Sunday school lesson, the teacher asked about the purpose of this life. A member named Ralph (who is a little mentally handicapped) said, "Well the way I see it is, Adam fell that they might be and men are that they might have JOY! God wants us to have joy! So He has given us the Garden Grove Strawberry Festival!!! It's gonna be a great experience, I'm gonna watch the parade and everyone is invited!" Haha
and Ralph was right! It was awesome!

Elder Hansen and I also went to the Cao Dai temple, where we were given a tour and learned about what CaoDaists believe. It was pretty interesting and the temple is way colorful and pretty. Essentially they believe in all religions, so they totally accepted the First Vision and everything that we believe about Christ! It was neat.
Tomorrow we have MLC and Thursday is Zone Training, so we have an exciting week ahead of us! Thanks everybody for all of your love and support and prayers. Have a fantastic week!
-Elder Francis

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