Monday, May 16, 2016

프랜시스 장로

안녕하 세요! 프랜시스 장로!! 
It's been a good week here in Garden Grove. We had a lot of appointments cancel/fall through, but that's just how some weeks go. We weren't able to meet with Vicky and her family this last week, which was a bummer. But we have been able to visit a lot of less actives, and the Lord has blessed us! One of the coolest experiences we had was just yesterday. We visited this recent convert named Amy. She joined the church by herself, and her husband and two kids have never been very supportive of it. She hasn't come to church lately because she's been taking care of her I'll father and she doesn't have any motivation from her family to go. We shared President Monson's talk on choices with her, and she just loved it. She opened up to us about the struggles and trials she is going through. It's times like that where I remember that I'm just a teenager and I'm totally not qualified to counsel people who've had literally like three times as much life experience as me. So we did our best, and we bore our testimonies to her of what we know to be true. The spirit was powerful and it witnessed the truth of the things that we taught, and she was comforted. This work is about the people, it is about lifting and blessing the lives of God's children. I got to go on an exchange with Elder Stumpf, who is in the Korean program, hence the Korean! It was way fun and he taught me the Korean alphabet. I wasn't able to help out much throughout the day, but I learned a lot and Elder Stumpf and I had a good time. He made me some Korean food haha and that was interesting. Other than that, not much has happened this week! This upcoming week will be a good one. We have zone conference and two exchanges, one of which I'll be in the Vietnamese area, so that'll be fun! It was my birthday the other day, so special thanks to everyone who remembered! Thanks to everyone for all the love and support! I love you all!
-Elder Francis
Elder Hansen and I did some service this week!

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