Wednesday, May 4, 2016

See you laters! - Week 41

Well, it's been an eventful week! I found out Sat. night that I am
getting transferred.... It totally caught Elder Hackman and I off
guard. We had only been together one transfer, and we had really
gotten into a good rhythm and had set some good goals and made some
good plans to find and build our teaching pool back up after our
baptism last week. Sadly, I'm not the one that gets to carry those
plans out. So we were both kinda bummed. But I am super optimistic
about the future!! I have been assigned Garden Grove, to the Stanford
West area to be a zone leader with Elder Hansen! Elder Hansen and I
were in the same district in the MTC and he has become one of my best
friends out here in the field. This is the Disneyland mission, where
dreams do come true!! I'm so pumped for the next few transfers
together. We are gonna get work done! I'm also super excited to be
back in a family ward! The YSA ward was incredible, and I loved it so
much, but in a gospel and church that is so centered on families, it
is hard to work with only single people. I am so excited to be working
with families again. I've learned so much from the YSA ward and the
time that I got to spend there. I've made so many memories there that
I will cherish and love forever.
My least favorite part of getting transferred is saying goodbye to all
the people you've come to know and love. But being a missionary brings
with it a hope and faith that in God's plan, there are no true
goodbyes, just see you laters. One of those see you laters was to my
good friend Sister Jacobs, who I've been able to split the ward with
these past 4 and a half months. She finished her mission and is headed
back to South Carolina! She's goin to BYUI in the fall so all of my
Idahomies can say hey! The rest of the see you laters consisted of
ward members and investigators who have become good friends. That's
been a huge bonus of serving in a YSA ward in this day and age. And
thanks to social media we can stay in touch for years to come!
I'm so grateful for the time that I've been able to spend in the
Orange Hills YSA ward. The Lord has blessed me abundantly here, and
I'm so grateful for that. But I'm optimistic for all that the Lord has
in store for me here in Garden Grove! I know with all of my heart that
He has a plan for me. I love you all! Have a fantastic week!

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