Monday, May 23, 2016

Am I even serving state-side?

It's been an eventful week here in sunny SoCal!  We had zone conference on Thursday, where we received training from President and Sister Taggart and his assistants. That was awesome. We learned all about being continually
converted to the gospel as missionaries. It was also sweet because we combined with my last zone, Orange, so I got to see all of my old friends!

We had a good week in our area, but Elder Hansen and I both got sick, which was kinda lame, but we were still able to go out every day and get some work done. We worked primarily with less actives this week and a lot of success and some funny stories. We met with this one lady named Heidi who is in a halfway home, and as the lesson progressed, we realized that she isn't very accountable for her actions at this point in her life. We invited her to come to church, and she said, "I would, but I'm having my baby next week."

...."Woah, we didn't realize you were pregnant!" (She obviously was
not pregnant)


"How many kids do you have Heidi?"

"Well, you won't believe this, but I'm actually at 52 now! Pop em out
every 2 months!" Hahahaha and that's how the lesson went!

I was able to go on two exchanges this week, one of which was with the Vietnamese Elders in their area! So I got to learn a little Vietnamese! It was a lot of fun though, and I got to try some authentic Vietnamese food. With that and the Korean exchange I went on last week, I am getting the full cultural experience here in Cali!

On Sunday we had a missionary musical fireside, where all of the missionaries in the zone conducted a fireside teaching the restoration through music and song! Elder Hansen and I were in two musical numbers, Love at Home, which we sang with the Samoan elders and I got to learn the first verse in Samoan, and then Elder Hansen and I sang I Stand All Amazed, just the two of us haha. It was alright, but overall the fireside was great and there was a powerful spirit there. Today for Pday we went to the Asian Garden Mall! Haha Asian culture is awesome!
Have a great week everyone!
-Elder Francis
Asian garden mall!
And the missionary musical fireside!
Me and Buddha!

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