Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Mother's Day!

This past week has been incredible!  There is a harvesting to be done here in Garden Grove, and our efforts this last week have shown that! Garden Grove is sooooo different from Orange haha. There are a ton of crazy people, and I love it! Every day is an adventure. The dynamic of the zone is also very different from Orange too. Elder Hansen and I have pondered and prayed a lot about how we can best unite the zone, because at this point it seems that there are two different zones, the English zone and the Asian zone. The Koreans and the Viets are awesome hahaha and I love them, but so far our interactions with them have been pretty sparse.

So the work in our area this past week has gone incredibly... Day after day we have been blessed with miracle after miracle, and the Lord has filled our lives with His countless tender mercies. The greatest of which was a woman named Vicky, who was a potential in our area book that Elder Hansen and Hamby found and had been unable to contact for weeks. We felt prompted to try again, so we did on Wednesday and caught her at home! We set a return appointment for Friday. As it turns out, Wednesday and Friday are her only days off so it was totally inspired. We went back on Friday and taught her and two of her children the Restoration. They were so engaged and agreed evening we taught! We invited them to be baptized and all three accepted without hesitation!! We set the date for June 12!!! We are so excited for them and we pray that the Lord will bless them and help them keep their commitments. I've never put a family on date for baptism before! It's sooooo amazing!! God is so good.

We've had some crazy experiences this past week too. We spent about 4 hours in the emergency room on Saturday night. One of the sisters we split a ward with had an anxiety attack at our dinner appointments. We gave her a blessing and called the mission nurse, who told us to take her to the emergency room. So we caravanned over and waited with her companion in the waiting room until she was released. She's doing a lot better since then!

I got to talk to my madre yesterday! That was soooo awesome! I love you mom! Thanks everyone for all your support and prayers, have a great week everybody!

-Elder Francis
Elder Hansen and I!

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