Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Midnight train to Tustin-Week 40

It's been an incredible week! David got baptized!! Man. That was so
awesome. I'll write more about it later.
But first, we saw Gladys Knight at a huge fireside last week! It was
insaaaaaane! For those of you who don't know who Gladys Knight is, she
is a Motown artist most well known for her group, Gladys Knight and
the Pips. Known as the Empress of Soul, she converted to the church in
the 90's!! She came and had a fireside with the Saints United Voices
choir and it was insane! Technically it was out of the mission, but
our zone got invited, so we were the only ones from the mission that
got to go! It was awesome, and the spirit was powerful. Gladys bore
her testimony about the restoration and the church, and nearly half of
the people there were not members! It generated tons of referrals for
our zone and for the surrounding areas. It was awesome. The show
didn't start until 9:!5  though, and then the Sister's car battery was
dead, so we had to go give them a jump start, so we didn't get home to
Tustin until like 12! Good times.
Next up, we had interviews with President Taggart this last week too.
I love every time I get to meet with president. He gave me such great
counsel, and I always feel so uplifted. We read through Thomas S
Monson's talk in last conference and we replaced every time he says,
"may we" to "will you" to get the commitments from the prophet. One
that meant the most to me, with it changed, says, "Will you always
choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong?" Latter-Day
prophets are number one!
So about Dave's baptism! It went perfectly! The spirit was so
powerful. Even before the baptism, Dave was just so happy, he kept on
saying, "I can't stop smiling. My cheeks are starting to hurt." Hahaha
you should've seen him after! He was glowing! The next day at church,
I was able to perform the confirmation and give him the Holy Ghost. We
got back to the pew and the spirit overcame him  and he began to weep.
It was so amazing. Several times throughout the meeting, particularly
when the speakers were bearing their testimonies, Dave would just get
emotional and start crying. "I can feel it" he kept saying over and
over again. I am so grateful for priesthood power, which allows us to
experience the fullness of the blessings of the gospel.
I love being a missionary! Thanks so much for all you do everyone! I
appreciate your prayers and support. Have a fantastic week! I love you

-Elder Francis

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