Thursday, April 7, 2016

Spiritual Highs! Week 37

Before you go accusing me of blatant disobedience for emailing on a
Wednesday, let me explain myself.... We went to the temple this
morning! And man was it amazing!! Because of that, our Pday is today.
Also, happy birthday to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day
Saints! On this day 186 years ago, the prophet Joseph organized and
established the church under the direction of Jesus Christ, with as
little as 6 baptized members present. Today, membership in the church
has surpassed 15.6 million and has touched the lives of God's children
all around the world, as evidenced by the incredible general
conference we had last weekend!
The temple today was especially enlightening! My recent studies of the
creation, fall and atonement really helped me understand and learn a
lot of things that I had never realized or picked up on before! In
short, the temple is amazing. I'm so grateful for the opportunity we
have to go to the temple every three months. It's so beautiful, and
the spirit inside is so powerful! I love it so much.
The past week and a half since I last wrote have been sooo awesome! We
have still been teaching David, and we might have to move his
baptismal date up! He is on date now for April 30th, but has been to
church twice already, is in Mosiah in his Book of Mormon reading, and
still really wants to be baptized! We are meeting with him again
tonight! Last time we met with him, he said, "Growing up I never
really bought in to the bible. I liked it in my youth, but as I got
older I fell away from it because I couldn't really understand it."
Then he lifted up his Bible, "but now, this makes sense to me," then
lifted up his Book of Mormon, "because of this." He told us how hungry
he is to learn more. We are so excited for him!!!
Thanks so much to everyone for all that you do! I love you all! Have a
fantastic four days!

-Elder Francis

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