Monday, April 11, 2016

Exchanges for Days-Week 38

It's been an incredible week! We got to go on three exchanges, and
they were all sooo awesome!
First, Elder Luu! With Elder Luu we had planned to go and set up a
table at two local colleges with the sisters and contact college
students. As it turns out, we had been misinformed and the first
college was on spring break! It only took a few minutes of sitting at
our table on the deserted campus to realize something was wrong. We
had a great conversation about the gospel with the security guard who
came to kick us off campus though so it turned out okay! We decided to
just head over to the other campus and contact people there a bit
longer. But when we got there we learned there was an event and we
weren't allowed to set up our table! So we got to do some awesome
on-the-spot finding for a couple hours! It ended up being a great
Second, we went on exchanges with the two assistants to the president,
Elder Cottle and Elder Pratt. Man, that was so awesome! I love being
around the assistants and president Taggart so much. I seem to learn
so much every time I interact with them haha. This exchange in
particular really inspired me to be more organized and structured in
my work, and I've already seen some incredible blessings come as I've
implemented their counsel and followed their example. I hope I can be
that example for other missionaries someday.
And lastly, I went on an exchange with my good friend Elder Cromar! He
is actually from Rexburg, and graduated from Madison High School the
same year as me! They are on bike, and I went to their area for the
day. They say you never forget how to ride your bike, but I am a
living witness against that statement! The first half of the day I
said probably 20-30 prayers that I wouldn't crash on the side of the
road and get run over. I am also a living witness that the Lord
answers prayers!
Elder Cromar and I made the goal to talk with every single person we
saw, and talk we did! By the end of the day we had talked to 70
people! It was awesome, and although I was totally wiped at the end of
the day, it was one of the best exchanges of my mission.
As far as our area is concerned, the work is going great and we are
continuing to have small successes and miracles in our finding and
teaching. David is one of those. And so is Carlos. They both came to
church yesterday and have both been making a lot of progress. We hope
to see them both baptized in the coming months!
Thanks so much for all of your prayers and support and love! I
appreciate them more than you know. If you ever want to write me I'll
leave my address at the bottom! Have a fantastic week everyone!
-Elder Francis
2500 N Bristol St
Santa Ana, CA 92706
Idaho brothers!!! Elder Cromar and me

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