Saturday, April 23, 2016

Farmer's tan? Missionary's tan - Week 39

Hello everyone, it has been a beautiful week here in sunny SoCal! The
weather was perfect and I got to spend a lot of time outside, so that
was nice. I have the coolest tan line halfway down my neck, thanks to
the collar on my white shirt! So every Pday I always get some comments
on it haha.
The work is going great! David is still on for baptism, but due to an
activity that the Ward is having on the 30th, we had to move it... To
April 23!!! So Dave is getting baptize this weekend, and we
couldn't be more excited for him. He has had a rough life and has
overcome many hardships to get him where he is now. The Lord has
prepared him throughout his life for this time, and it has just been
so amazing to see him accept it so wholeheartedly. Dave is awesome.
I also had the chance to go on an exchange with one of my good
friends, Elder Pruitt. We came out together, and he is 25, so I call
him grandpa and tease him about his arthritic hands and weak joints
and bad hip. We had an awesome day together, where we spent the first
few hours of it uprooting banana tree stumps for a less active in
their ward, and the rest of it biking around the city of Orange! We

had some neat experiences and we were able to talk with a lot of
people. Overall, it was an awesome exchange.
We had a cool experience with a less active this week that we have
been trying to visit for months. Her name is Roxanne, and we had a
short lesson where we showed her President Monson's talk from
conference titled, "Choices". It is only 5 minutes long and is perfect
for lessons! After it finished, Roxanne started crying and told us how
much the video meant to her. She said that she has been struggling a
lot lately with which path to take in life, and the words of our
living prophet touched her heart and the spirit told her what what
path she needs to choose. As President Monson said, "As we contemplate
the decisions we make in our lives each day--whether to make this
choice or that choice--if we choose Christ, we will have made the
correct choice." Modern day prophets are the best!
Today we also got to go on a super fun and super long hike, which is
why my emails are coming out so late. I've really missed not being
able to be out in nature as much, so the hike was awesome! Thanks for
reading everyone, have a fantastic week! Love ya!

-Elder Francis
Elder Hackman and I, black star canyon, and the view from the top!

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