Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Government Conspiracies and Guy Fietti

Hey everyone!! We had an amazing week last week here in Garden Grove! Also, exactly one year ago today I received my endowments from the temple in Salt Lake City. At the exact same time, Elder Hansen was
receiving his in the Baton Rouge temple, so it is a special day for us! I'll start with Yolanda! So on Tuesday we had an awesome evening set up, like 3 set appointments, but one by one we showed up and nobody was home. Should've seen that one coming. As we stood at the porch of the last appointment, with no answer from the door, we looked across the street to their neighbors. "They look home." We said, and walked
over. We were greeted by an old woman yelling at us through the window. As we approached, we were able to distinguish what she was saying haha. She apparently was talking about God and Jesus, so she knew what we
were about. It's interesting how people who have never seen or talked to missionaries before will often just know that we talk to people about Jesus. Anyways, we start talking to her through her window, and learned that her name is Yolanda. We taught her the Restoration, through the window, and she loved it!  We invited her to be baptized, and she accepted! We set the date for the end of June! I also got to go on an exchange with Elder Zachary Johnson this week, my district leader. That was an interesting day haha. We met with a guy named Craig who is a less active member of the church. We invited him to come to church with us on Sunday He looked down, and said "I wish I could" very elusively. We questioned him further, and he revealed to us that he knows a lot about the government, and warned us to get ready and get armed, because something is coming.... Elder Johnson says, "How many years do we have?" Craig says very solemnly, "I wouldn't even say years." So there's my plug for food storage and emergency preparedness for the week! The rest of the exchange was awesome haha and we had some amazing experiences and found people who are super prepared!! We also went to dinner at a place that Guy
Fietti, from Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives ate at! 
The best part of the week was yesterday at church. So we've been working with a kid named Andrew, who is 12, and he and his little sister Mia are gonna be baptized this Sunday, and their father Shawn was given the priesthood yesterday. Shawn is awesome. He is an ex marine and is a pretty hardened individual. But it has been so amazing to see how his family and the spirit have softened his heart. He has come back to church, has given up smoking and drinking, and has started to pay his tithing so that he could be worthy to receive the
priesthood and baptize his children. On Saturday, they all went and took a tour of the Newport Beach Temple grounds. Yesterday at church, Shawn came up to us and talked about how amazing it was. The temple is
the goal! The Lord is blessing us greatly here, and the next few weeks are gonna
be awesome. Thanks for reading everyone! Have a fantastic week!
-Elder Francis

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