Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Rice Farmer Hats

Hey everyone! This week in Garden Grove was awesome. We met a little 86 year old Vietnamese woman named Lee. She was wearing one of those sweet cone shaped rice farmer hats and we complimented her on it. Apparently she gets a ton of them every year when she goes to Vietnam and they are made better and are cheaper than the ones you can buy here. To make a long story short, she wasn't interested in the gospel,
but we got two of her hats! Score. We drove all around town on Saturday wearing them.

The work in the area was pretty slow this week, because we had meetings and had to fill out stake reports for several hours. That was awful, but we got it done. Basically, we weren't able to do much missionary work for the first half of the week. But the second half was awesome!! We found a couple new investigators and had a lot of
success. One of the coolest experiences we had was with a girl we met named Sabrina, who is actually the daughter of one of our other investigators, Yolanda. She was super prepared, and we taught her twice over the weekend! She loved the restoration, and although she accepted the invitation to be baptized, she didn't want to set a date until she comes to church and starts getting more involved. Happy Father's Day to all you Fathers out there!! Especially my dad, whose birthday also happens to be June 26th, so do me a favor and wish him a happy birthday on his actual birthday for me!

Thanks so much for all of your love and support, have a fantastic week

-Elder Francis

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