Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The Gospel makes us happy

We got to spend some time in our area this week and it paid off! We were led to several new investigators and had some awesome experiences. One of which I'll share:
We were walking through an apartment complex and started talking with this guy who was at his car. He was open and friendly, and asked us a question like, "So what is this all about?" We shared a brief summary of the restoration and that through it we can be with our families forever. "Now that is something I'm interested in!" He responded. We gave him a Book of Mormon and he was so excited to read it! As he walked away with book in hand, he turned back and said, "I don't know why, but I'm just so happy right now! Thanks Elders!"
In plain and simple terms, the restored gospel of Jesus Christ just makes us happy! When we went back to follow up, he had read from the book and is excited to learn more. Through the gospel we can be truly happy, no matter our circumstances. 
This week is going to be extremely busy, we have MLC tomorrow, transfers to get ready for, GENERAL CONFERENCE, and Elder Wilson finishes his mission next week. We are sprinting to the finish! We are so excited though for General Conference and have been extending the invitation to everyone to come listen to a prophet's voice. I extend that same invitation to you! If you listen with the Spirit, you will receive a personal, prophetic epistle just for you. I love you all, have an incredible week!

-Elder Francis
Throwback to the MTC because we didn't take any pictures this week!

Monday, March 20, 2017

The parable of the empty well

Hey everybody! This week was ZONE CONFERENCES!! We got to give
training to all of the missionaries throughout the mission for three
days. It was exhausting, but was so wonderful. I love being able to
hear the testimonies and insights from all of the incredible
missionaries. There is such a powerful spirit when the Lord's servants
gather together.
 We gave our training on how to study and prepare to teach the
lessons. We used the analogy of READY (study and apply the doctrine),
AIM (organize what you teach into a lesson plan), FIRE (teach the
lesson), and ADJUST YOUR SIGHTS (evaluate your teaching). And I used
some hunting experiences from my youth (shoutout to my dad!)
To explain the importance of our studies, we shared a parable and
asked, "How does this relate to our studies of the gospel? Here is the
There was a man, who after a long, dry winter went to a well to draw
water for his garden. He lowered his bucket into the well and pulled
it up to find no water in it. The well had gone dry. Not knowing what
to do he knelt to ask his Father in Heaven to grant him water for his
garden. The impression came to him, "dig", so the man lowered himself
down into the dry well and began to dig. As he did so, he noticed the
dry ground was slowly replaced with wet soil, then mud. He continued
to dig until he was knee deep in water. He had tapped into the
underground reservoir which filled his well with pure water. He
returned to the top and thanked his Father in Heaven. He was able to
draw water from the well to nourish him and his garden for many days,
all the while praising God.
We each have been given our own little garden from the Lord! I invite
each of you to ponder how this parable can apply to your life and your
study of the gospel!
Also as part of Zone Conferences, the new Easter initiative was
announced! #PrinceofPeace!! The video is probably my favorite that the
church has ever made, and it the whole initiative uses my favorite
picture of the Savior. I'm so excited to share it with people. The
initiative begins and is open to the public on March 31st.
We have an awesome week planned where we will get to spend a lot of
time in our area, I can't wait! Have a fantastic week everyone!

-Elder Francis

Monday, March 13, 2017

This is the ACTUAL last door

We had an awesome awesome week last week here in sunny California! We put an investigator named Carlos on date this week! We invited him to be baptized and he said, "Yes, I will do it. But before I am baptized I need to learn and I need to change." What a humble response!! Learning and change for the better is exactly what the gospel brings!
I got to go on two exchanges this week, first with Elder Cabrera who is from Mexico, and then with Elder Salyer from Virginia. They were both great. Elder Salyer and I had a cool experience at the end of the night:
Because there are sooooo many people in Southern California, there are A TON of apartment complexes, and they are a common place to find people to teach. The apartment complex we were trying to visit someone in was very well locked up, so we couldn't get in. We decided to try the one next to it, which was totally open! We stood in the middle of the complex and looked around, trying to seek the spirit to decide which doors to knock with our last few minutes.
 After a couple seconds, the impression came, "stop wasting time and just start knocking."  So we did! And after a few doors, we met some people from several different races and religions, but no one with any interest in the gospel. It was time to head back, but we felt like there was still something in that complex that we hadn't gotten to yet. We decided on the last door. Knock knock knock......waiting..... aaaaaand no answer. Bummer! We started heading back, but there was the gentlest impression that there was something else. "Alright this is the actual last door." Knock knock knock. A young woman opened up! Immediately I felt impressed to testify of the importance and eternal nature of the family. We told her that the world was turning further and further away from the family, but our message strengthens and protects families from the evils of the world. 
"Wow!" She said, "I just had my first child a few weeks ago. I've been wanting to bring him to a church. Can we come to yours?" Uhh yeah you can!! We have a return appointment with Desiree and her family for this week! 
I'm so grateful for the Spirit, and for the incredible message that we do have. The Spirit is everything in this work. When we can be worthy vessels of the Spirit, so that He might work through us, we will see miracles. Like we did with Desiree.
I love you everyone! Have a great week!

-Elder Francis
We got to go to a temple grounds tour this week! Polaroid and iPhone versions!

Monday, March 6, 2017

Peter, John, and William

Well it's only been three days since my last Pday, but it's been an
awesome three days!
Friday night we had one of those lessons that every missionary dreams
of. We met a young former investigator named Debbie and she said we
could come back, so we did, and taught the Restoration to her, her
parents, and her two sisters! It was a powerful lesson and they all
showed a desire to be baptized! Because Debbie's parents are primarily
Spanish speaking, we had a hybrid lesson where we taught in English
and Spanish. I accidentally called Christ's apostles Pedro (Peter),
Juan (John), and Guillermo (William) instead of Santiago (James).
Whoops! They got confused, but accepted it nonetheless, figuring they
just didn't know that apostle.
We decided to pass them over to the Spanish program, where we feel
they will progress better, but it was such an awesome lesson.
This weekend we had Stake Conference! Elder Bruce E Ghent of the
Seventy attended and we got to hear him speak twice! One quote from
him that I loved was this: "If your faith, prayers, and the power of
the priesthood do not remove your afflictions, the power of the
Atonement will certainly give you the strength to endure them." There
are some trials in life we just have to bear. We may at times, like
the Savior, cry out, "remove this cup from me", but if the will and
plan of the Lord is otherwise, may we humbly submit to the will of the
Father, exemplified perfectly by Jesus Christ in the words,
"nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt." As we do, the Savior
will be there with us to bear our burdens and to share our load, and
we will come off conquerors. Have a wonderful week everybody! I love
-Elder Francis

2) shoutout to Sister Hawkins for providing our Marti Gras celebrations/dinner!
3) bird is the word
1) we hiked Blackstar Canyon today!

Friday, March 3, 2017

For without Him we can do nothing

Hello everyone, the past couple weeks have been super busy, and super good! A lot happened, most of which I'll just touch on.
We started a new transfer, which means we got to pick up new missionaries! We spent the day with 14 brand new missionaries. Elder Wilson and I say that is the best day of the transfer, because there is such a powerful spirit with all of the missionaries who just arrive to the field! They are so eager to work and full of faith, it's beautiful.
Along with all of the meetings that come at the beginning of each transfer, we also had Mission Leadership Council on Tuesday. Elder Wilson and I gave a training on the power and authority of our calling as missionaries. There were some incredible insights from the amazing Zone and Sister Training Leaders throughout the mission. They are also a powerful group of individuals that is continually sacrificing more to seek more power to do the Lord's will. I'm so grateful to be around them, and President and Sister Taggart. The most prominent comment came from John 15: "4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.
5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing."
As members of the church of Jesus Christ on the earth, we are "grafted into the true vine". Inasmuch as we make that graft complete through obedience to our covenants, we are nourished and strengthened by Christ Himself. When we cut ourselves off from that power through sins like laziness, disobedience, apathy, and pride, we wither away and bring forth no fruit. 
The highlight of my week was the opportunity we had this morning to attend the temple. What an incredible blessing. I know that God lives and that He is ever mindful of His children. I know that He provided a Savior to redeem mankind. I am so grateful to have the knowledge of the gospel, and I have dedicated my life to sharing it.
I love you all!
-Elder Francis
1) MLC prep..
2) MLC!
3-5) Temple Trip!