Monday, February 20, 2017

You're in this for the long haul

Good morning everyone! We had a fantastic week last week and were able to go on three exchanges to finish off the transfer! We had some awesome finding experiences as well, two of which I will share below.

1) Elder Wilson and I approached this couple sitting on the sidewalk and started a conversation about the gospel (like we always do). The husband said, "I have a question that I've asked to a lot of different churches and I want to ask you. My question is this: What happened to the prophets and apostles in Christ's church?" ..... uhhhhh WELL LET US TELL YOU WHAT HAPPENED TO THE PROPHETS AND APOSTLES IN CHRIST'S CHURCH!!!  While trying to restrain ourselves, we excitedly explained the message of the Restoration, and they were both super interested! They said they need to learn more and accepted the Book of Mormon gladly! They live in Compton, so we won't be able to teach them, but we basically just found the Compton missionaries two baptisms.

2) I was on an exchange in La Habra with my good friend Elder Mills, and we met this woman while knocking doors. She wasn't interested at first because we were "Mormon". We explained that Mormon is just a nickname and that we were from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. "Oh!" She said, "You're LDS?! I have cousins who are LDS! They are great!" We told her that through the restoration of the gospel we can be with our families forever. "Oh my goodness," she responded, "THIS is the missing piece of my life! I've been praying for weeks to know what God wants me to do, and this is my answer!! We need to meet again! You need to teach me!" We definitely weren't expecting that response, but I'm not complaining!

This week we also finalized transfers with the Taggarts, and transfers are today! Elder Wilson only has 6 more weeks in his mission, so I could've either been released today so that he could train a new assistant before he goes home, or I could stay and then train another assistant after he goes home. While we were planning, Sister Taggart looks at me and says, "Elder Francis, you're in this for the long haul!" And that was that, I'm staying here in Anaheim! We have an insane transfer lying ahead of us, and I know that the Lord will bless us as we put our trust in Him.
Yesterday I gave a talk in church and just want to close with a quote I used from Elder Holland, "In whatever country you live, however young or inadequate you feel, or however aged or limited you see yourself as being, I testify you are individually loved of God, you are central to the meaning of His work, and you are cherished and prayed for by the presiding officers of His Church. The personal value, the sacred splendor of every one of you, is the very reason there is a plan for salvation and exaltation."
I know that the gospel is true, and that you are the reason for the Plan of Salvation! I love you!

-Elder Francis
1) Someone sprayed a fire extinguisher in the parking garage... so I had to run through it.
2) The view of the sunrise from our apartment. I love our apartment
3) Christ in the CAM

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