Monday, February 6, 2017

Trust in that Spirit which leadeth to do good

This has been a crazy awesome!! Our investigator Nick is still working
strong towards his baptism this Saturday! Please keep him in your
prayers throughout the week! We also started teaching the Alvarez
family. They are religious and have a strong faith in Christ. When
they heard the claim we make, they were skeptical because they already
believe what they practice is true, but the wife Stephanie said, "I
know that I'm already saved... but I will read the Book of Mormon and
I will pray about it, because if this is true, I need to know." Their
family has a lot of potential!
This last week we also had Mission Leadership Council, where we got to
give a training on the role of the Holy Ghost in conversion. There was
a strong spirit, and my understanding of those principles grew more
and more as we got to attend two zone trainings in the days following.
The Holy Ghost is EVERYTHING in this work! It is the Spirit who is the
teacher, the testator, the converter. Our purpose as missionaries is
to simply be instruments through which the spirit can testify. We need
to be worthy vessels so as to allow the Spirit to do his work.
I gained a greater testimony this week of the importance and power of
the gift of the Holy Ghost. I am so grateful for that sacred gift, and
the promise that is given to us as we worthily and worshipfully
partake of the sacrament every week. As we do, we qualify for it's
companionship and thereby retain a remission of our sins, we feel the
love of God in our lives and can be filled with His power as we learn
and do His will. I know that God lives, and that His hand is in this
sacred work. I love you everybody!

-Elder Francis
1) MLC
2) Sid (Elder Henkel) visited!
3) a moth was chillin on our window
4) UFO! Jk some guy got arrested down the street

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