Saturday, February 18, 2017

What even is exhaustion?

This week has been crazy!! It has taken everything in me to keep from
collapsing on the floor of our apartment the moment we walk in every
night. Despite it being so busy, it has been so good!
This week we had Zone Conferences, so for three days this week we got
to give a 2 hour training on the new missionary schedule and the
importance of companionship study to the entire mission. Preparing for
it was stressful, but it went really, really well, and the Lord blessed
us with His Spirit. I loved being to hear the comments from all of the
missionaries. They have such great faith and many of them are trying
so hard to be diligent and righteous. President Taggart gave an
incredible training about repentance that I learned a lot about. It
caused me to ponder my own perspective of repentance. Do I treat it as
something sacred and do I allow it to change me? Does it fill me with
gratitude and awe for the Atonement of Christ? Do I learn about Him
and His plan for me through my repentance?
In order to get work in our area done, we often went straight from our
meetings to our area, and went out to work without eating dinner.
Maybe that's a reason why I was so tired haha, but the Lord sure
blessed us for our sacrifice. We were able to put 3 people on date for
baptism last week! Two of those are Alex and Desiree Tovar, a young
couple with two small children, who we are so excited for!! Please
keep them in your prayers!
On Saturday, our investigator Nick got baptized!! After facing
unemployment, near homelessness, poverty, and great adversity and
temptation, he was able to enter the waters and fires of baptism and
become a member of the church. We have seen so many incredible
miracles with Nick, and it was a sweet, sweet experience to see him get
baptized. After coming up out of the water, he turned and faced the
congregation and just beamed! He waved at everyone hahaha and then
went back to the changing room. He bore a beautiful testimony of the
Restoration and the gospel, and just couldn't be happier.
Transfer calls are this week! We get to help with that as well, so I'm
excited to see all of the changes in the mission and for the work to
roll forward! I love you everyone!
-Elder Francis
1. Nick!
2. Me encanta empanadas

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