Saturday, February 4, 2017

Ask and ye shall receive!

Things have been going super good this week!! Our investigator Nick
was going to get baptized, but it had to be pushed back because he had
a concern with one of the commandments. The spirit guided the decision
though, and Nick has grown so so much in his faith and his conversion.
He knows that the gospel is true, and he knows that Joseph Smith was a
prophet. He will be getting baptized now on February 11!
On the bright side though, if you remember back in my last area in
Garden Grove my comp and I and the whole ward were praying to find a
family! Then, by a miracle, we found this family of 11 people, the
Gonzalez'! We started teaching them and the whole ward as praying for
them, but eventually they wouldn't keep their commitments and we had
to stop meeting with them. Then I left the area, and the missionaries
in that area now started teaching the Gonzalez family again, and they
were super ready for baptism!! Yesterday 4 of them got baptized and 2
more are coming in the next few weeks and months! I was so happy! The
Lord answers the prayers of His children, but He does it in His own
Speaking of families, we met another awesome one this week that we
have started teaching! Alex and Desiree and their two kids, Zara and
Zander, who are 4 and 2. The lesson was kind of all over the place,
but the spirit was there, and at the end, Desiree said, "This is
something I think we want to pursue. We've been talking about it a lot
and we want this for our family." I bear my testimony that the Holy
Ghost is the teacher!! He is the converter! He is the testator and the
witness of the Father and the Son and it is only by the power of the
Holy Spirit that we can learn the truths of eternity.
Have a great week everyone! I love you!

-Elder Francis
Gonzalez fam! (We had to leave early, so I didn't make the pictures:/)
Hike we went on this morning!
Exchange with my good friend Elder Cromar

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