Saturday, January 28, 2017

Elders, you won't believe what just happened...

Hey everybody! We've seen so many blessings this week, especially with our investigator Nick. He is getting baptized this Saturday and Satan has really been trying to keep that from happening. Due to his financial situation, on Tuesday he was going to get his phone shut off. We were pretty worried because it's gonna be super difficult to stay in contact with him without a phone (I can't imagine how people did it in the old days). We felt impressed to invite him to pray and pray for the Lord to help him. Later that night we got a call from Nick, "Elders, you won't believe what just happened...." immediately after praying for help, he received a phone call. It was a couple asking if he could do some work for them! With the money he received he was able to pay his bills!
Then on Thursday we learned that he was about to get kicked out of his apartment. We were also really worried about that, because it is harder to progress in the gospel when you're homeless. He vented to us about his stresses and trials. All we could really do was invite him to act on his own, so Elder Wilson invited him to go to a park and read his scriptures and pray until he received an answer. Later that night, we got a phone call, "Elders, you won't believe what just happened..." Nick did what we asked, and as he prayed, felt like he should go talk to his landlord one last time. He did, and she told him that he could stay!! I bear my testimony that the Lord is actively involved in the lives of His children, and as we seek Him out we WILL receive guidance, direction, and strength for our lives. Nick is more excited than ever to be baptized! He knows the gospel is true and is so eager to live it.
In addition to our exciting updates with Nick, we also got to go on two exchanges last week. We may or may not have gotten flashed by a woman on one of them, but it's all a part of the experience! We've seen so many blessings in the past week as we have witnessed the glorious message of the gospel change the lives of God's children as they apply it in their own lives. I love my mission so much.

-Elder Francis
1) Elder Wilson's Polaroid
2) just a couple of best friends driving a van
3) lunch after District Meeting

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