Monday, January 2, 2017

And a Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas everyone! A special thanks goes to those who sent
cards and/or gifts to me while I am out on my mission (and yes, that
includes you grandpa), even a little card is so appreciated! I love
all of you!
We had such a fantastic Christmas week here in Anaheim! We got to
attend the Christmas Devotionals for the missionaries here, where
missionaries from around the mission performed musical numbers or read
poetry. There were some musical numbers that were so incredible!! I
love music so much.
And it's a good thing I do because we got to go out caroling several
times this week! That was a blast! We went with the zone on Christmas
Eve to the Downton Disney area and sang carols to the people walking
by! It was awesome!
Another highlight of the week (of course) was being able to talk to my
family yesterday. I'm so grateful for how much the Lord has blessed
them over my nearly 18 months of a mission so far. I love you family!
We got to visit a ton of people this week and share the Spirit of
Christ(mas) with them. It is such a special time of year, and people
are often kinder and more charitable. It was awesome to see how the
Lord led us to those who may have felt alone or discouraged, and
blessed us with His spirit, so that we could lift their spirits.
Again, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I'll be in bed by  10:300
so give an extra shout for me at midnightt! Love you all!

-Elder Francis
1-2) days 1 and 2 of the Christmas program! See if you can find me in both days!
3) my new pad!
4-5) The whole family and Christmas morning!

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