Tuesday, December 20, 2016

¡Feliz Navidad!

Merry Christmas everybody! We've had such a great week here in Anaheim
sharing the light of Christ's gospel during this Christmas season.
We've had a ton of success sharing the Christmas video and finding
people to teach. Everyone seems to be a little more willing to hear a
message about Christ's love for us.
We had the awesome chance to go on two exchanges this week with two
sets of Zone Leaders from Orange and Santa Ana. Funny story of the
week: On Saturday I was with Elder Cooper on exchanges, and we started
talking to a YSA aged girl walking down the street. She was super
interested in everything we had to say! We taught the whole
Restoration of the gospel and she accepted a copy of the Book of
Mormon! We asked for her number and address and she gladly gave them
to us! As she started walking away, she turned and said, "And hey, hit
me up when you wanna go out sometime" and winked at us...... So we
made like Joseph and, "got [us] out".
We had an awesome rest of the day though and got to meet a lot of
people. Anaheim is quite the melting pot. Last week alone we've met
people from Egypt, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Brazil, New Zealand, Tonga,
Samoa, Ecuador, El Salvador, Korea, The Philippines, Vietnam,
Thailand, Mexico(of course), and probably more. Hooray for culture!
I love this season so so much! And I've come to love it all the more
as a missionary, especially as I have pondered the wonder and glory of
Christ's birth, life, and Atonement. It is beautiful to me that the
Savior and Redeemer, the Creator of the World, was born in a humble
stable, some 2000 years ago, without wealth or splendor, to be our
example. He was born to end all goodbyes and to fix all mistakes. He
was born to overcome anguish, regret, depression, and fear. He was
born to provide a way for each of us to return to our heavenly home. I
know that Jesus Christ lives today. He is real. I am coming to know
Him more and more and I love Him with all of my heart! Merry Christmas
everyone! I love you all!

-Elder Francis
1) Merry Christmas from your favorite missionaries
2) Shout out to Joe Pratt. Thanks for the stocking!

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