Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Happy Holidays!

Hey everybody! I don't have a ton of time today, so my update will be
short. We had a great week this past week! We had Mission Leadership
Council and we got to attend Zone Trainings for the missionaries,
which was super awesome. There are just some incredible missionaries
in the mission, and it was so great to hear all of their insights and
comments and stories on the attributes of faith, hope, and charity.
We also had an exchange, and I was able to go back to my old area in
Garden Grove! We got to see some of the people that I worked with and
taught. It brought the sweetest memories of my time there. I love
Garden Grove.
We also found out that our most progressing investigator, Ana, is
moving to Mexico for the next 3 months😔. We've only taught her a few
times, but she said, "While I'm there, I am going to read the entire
Book of Mormon!" Hopefully the missionaries down in Mexico get in
contact with her so she can be baptized!
We've had some awesome finding experiences lately and have been led by
the spirit to people who needed to hear our message. I know that we
are on the Lord's errand and that this is His gospel! Have a great
week everyone!
Video:  1 year of Mission Leadership Councils

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