Tuesday, December 6, 2016


It's the most wonderful time of the year! We have had a great week in
Anaheim, especially as we've been able to use the Christmas
initiative, "Light the World"! Elder Wilson and I got to take
departing missionaries to the airport, and then pick up the brand new
ones! We also got to train the District and Zone Leaders throughout
the mission.
On Thursday the advent calendar that the church has prepared for the
month of December was kicked off with a Worldwide Day of Service! For
District Meetings each District Leader found a service activity for
all the missionaries in their district, and we all went and served! We
went to a middle eastern bakery and helped clean the kitchen. We even
got free lunch afterwards, bonus!
Elder Wilson and I were able to work with a lot of part member
families this week, and have high hopes for some of the nonmembers
that we got to teach. Part-member families are a golden source of
potential investigators because they have loved ones who have already
tasted the goodness of the gospel! It's an immediate support system!
Today for the birthday of my good friend Elder Dube, we went to "The
Catch" and ordered the "OMG" (oh my goodness) burger. 10 pounds of
meat!!! There were only 8 of us!! I can proudly say that I defeated my
1.25 pounds in like 10 minutes flat. So... much.... burger....
Tomorrow we get to train the Mission Leadership Council on faith and
hope! I've learned so much about these two Christlike attribute from
our opportunities to study and prepare for our training tomorrow. To
close, I'll share a quote on hope that I found and love:
"Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey towards it, casts the
shadow of our burden behind us... Hope sweetens the memory of
experiences well loved. It tempers our troubles to our growth and our
strength. It befriends us in dark hours, excites us in bright ones. It
lends promise to the future and purpose to the past. It turns
discouragement to determination."
I love you everybody!
- Elder Francis
1) best buds
2) elevator selfie with departing missionaries feat. Sister Taggart!
3) worldwide day of service
4) the omg burger

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