Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Give thanks and Light the World!

What a week!! It's been super eventful, but I'll try and keep the email short.
First off! The church came out with a new video for Christmas! It's
called Light the World! Not only that, but to help light the world,
the church has made an advent calendar for the 25 days of December
leading up to Christ, with a Christlike attribute to live each day!
The video and the calendar are all available on Mormon.org! Check it
out pleeeeeease!
We've had a ton of miracles this week! Elder Thornton and I had more
time to find people to teach, and find we did! We did our best to
follow the spirit in all of our finding, and it was neat to see how
the Lord led us to those who He needed us to see. For example, we were
led to a less active member who wants to be sealed in the temple to
her fiancé. Except.... her fiancé isn't a member! We can fix that! We
are going back to teach Claudia and her fiancé the first lesson later
this week.
Thursday was Thanksgiving!🦃 We got well taken care of. We had two
dinners and a service activity at the Honda Center in between them
both! We got to help at a huge event where thousands of homeless
people were fed a Thanksgiving dinner. It was awesome!
At the end of the week I was able to go back to my old area in Garden
Grove to attend the baptism of Elijah, Andrew, and Michael Finona, who
are three kids that Elder Sirrine (my last companion) and I found!
Their grandmother Julie, is raising them and three others, and I was
able to teach them all the first few lessons before I was transferred
out! It was so sweet to go back and witness their baptism.
To top off the week, Elder Thornton and I had transfer calls! We
called all of the Zone Leaders and told them where all the
missionaries would be getting transferred and who their new companions
would be. That was a little intimidating! These phone calls literally
change lives! It went well though, despite a few Zone Leaders getting
mad when we told them they would be getting transferred.😢
Transfers affected us too... Elder Thornton was is leaving for Santa
Ana, and I'm now with Elder Wilson, who was newly called as an
assistant! He's awesome and I'm super pumped to be serving with him
for the next few months. This week we get to go to the airport again
and pick up new missionaries, give some trainings, plan for MLC, and
who knows what else! Thanks for reading everybody, I love you!

-Elder Francis
1) Thanksgiving service
2) Finonas baptism
3) Transfer Calls!
4) Elder Wilson and I

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