Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Week 71

I'm not sure if this was actually week 71, I just couldn't think of a
subject for this week's email.
This week was awesome! On Tuesday we picked up 4 new missionaries from
the airport. 3 of them are in the Tongan program (which doubled the
size of the current program): Elders Jorgensen, Fifita, and
Hanohano-Hashimoto. Sister Haynes, the other incoming missionary, is
in the Samoan program. We greeted them with a big malo e'leleĆ­ and
We then had Zone Conferences last week, so on Wed, Thurs and
Fri we went around the mission and got to give training to all of
the missionaries. It was pretty terrifying, I'll be honest, but we
prepared well and so did the missionaries, and each day there was a
powerful spirit as we gave our training on having the faith to find
and baptize.
Coincidentally, we get to put that training to the test this week! We
will have a lot of opportunities to go out finding this week, and I
know that we can be led to those who are prepared to receive the
gospel! We are hoping to catch a lot of families at home because of
the holidays.
Speaking of thanksgiving, I am so thankful for all of you! I'm
thankful for my mission, and all of the incredible experiences I've
had. I'm thankful for the knowledge that I have of the Plan of
Salvation. I'm thankful above all for the mercy and goodness of God.
He has blessed me in such abundance throughout my life. The blessings
that He has given to me are so precious and special. They are eternal
and life changing. In His love, He has provided a Savior, who I will
forever be thankful for. It has been the blessing of as lifetime to
come to know Him even more by using His atonement to change. Thank you
for reading everybody! I love you!

-Elder Francis
2500 N Bristol St
Santa Ana, CA 92706

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