Monday, November 14, 2016

Another week in paradise

What a great week! I got to go on two more exchanges with some awesome missionaries! First, with Elder Valenzuela from Guatemala City. I was with him in the Spanish program for the day. That was a smack in the face as to how little I know of the Spanish language! Everyone was talking so fast!😰 I was, however, able to bear my testimony is Spanish, so it was a good day. Elder Valenzuela is awesome. I've attached a picture of us with a member we met at the bottom of the email. Then I got to go with Elder Haynie! We thankfully got to speak English all day. He's a great missionary, and a good friend of mine.
We began transfer planning with President and Sister Taggart this week. That was a really cool experience. I got to see how inspired the transfer process is, and see again the love that the Taggart's have for the missionaries. I love them. I also basically was told who my next companion will be, so that was weird 😳
On Wednesday we only had about 45 minutes during the entire day to proselyte. We prayerfully decided on where to go and chose an apartment complex in the area. We walked through the front gate and heard, "oh hey Elders." ....The "pay attention, this person might have potential" bells were going off in my head because anytime someone calls us elders they are either a member or a former investigator. We turned and saw a young guy holding a baby getting his mail. As we talked with him, we learned that he is a member! "What ward do you go to?" We asked.
"Anaheim 3rd ward."
"Huh......", we've never seen his guy before, "that's our ward..." 
"Yeah... We don't always get to make it out."
Long story short, Bro Driggs (that's his name) invited us in! He and his wife are both return missionaries (how do two return missionaries go less active?!?) and we taught them the Restoration and invited them to church! We also scheduled a dinner appointment 😏
The Driggs came to church on Sunday with their 6 month old baby!🎉😆🎉 I'm grateful that the Lord blesses us as we seek out His will for the time that we do have. It's no coincidence that we ran into the Driggs as soon as we walked into the complex. I love being a missionary.
This upcoming week is Zone Conferences on wed, thu, and fri! Elder Thornton and I get to present a training on finding to the whole mission! We also get to go pick up new Tongan missionaries tomorrow from the airport! Another week in paradise! I love you all, thanks for all of your love and support!
-Elder Francis
1) had a lesson with the Storlands and their kids!
2) Elder Valenzuela!
3) Zone Conference planning got us like....

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