Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Weeks 19 and 20

So this week was pretty slow, not too much happened in the form of
finding or teaching. But we were able to meet with someone we recently
found named Madonna and Eduardo.
Madonna is pretty awesome at this point. She wasn't responding to our
texts so we stopped by and she was like, "hey I kept hoping you guys
would text me but you never did! I read some of your book!" Turns out
she wasn't receiving our texts, so we resolved that, but we were
pleasantly surprised to get that response to say the least haha. So we
are meeting with her again this week to share an actual lesson.
We had a great lesson with Eduardo this week too. He understands why he
needs to be baptized and has read from the Book of Mormon since the
last time we met with him. His parents, however, don't understand why
he needs to be baptized. And because they don't speak English, and the
family is so central to the gospel, we are passing Eduardo over to the
Spanish elders, where they will hopefully be able to resolve the
concerns with his family and help them all progress towards the
gospel. I know that it was the best thing to do!
Other than those two, not much has happened this past week. A lot of
people were out with their families for thanksgiving, so we weren't
able to meet with some of our investigators, like Angie. But she did,
however, come to church yesterday and is still progressing towards her
baptism on the 12! We stopped by their house, and Angie's dad was out
front, waiting to pick the kids up. He was against having Angie get
baptized at first, so we took the opportunity and talked to him about
how awesome Angie is, and how our purpose as missionaries is to help
others come closer to Christ, and how the gospel will bless Angie as
she gets older and has to make choices. He really softened up and
thanked us for what we were doing, so I have no worries about him not
letting Angie get baptized.
Lately I have been pondering a lot  on my own spiritual progression
and how well I am submitting to the will of the Lord. It is always so
humbling to take that time to self reflect haha, because I see truly
how much progress I can still make. But how wonderful of a blessing is
that?! That perfection isn't just given to us but that we truly have
to work at it throughout our entire lives and into eternity. I can't
imagine how much more I will appreciate those attributes when I
finally attain them, or when I see them in others. I will someday be
able to look back and see just how far I've come. Eternal Life is

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