Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Week 23-Wedding!

It has been a good week over here in P town. Everyone is getting into
the Christmas spirit! As a result, we have been showing a lot of
people the Christmas video! It's great! Many people have been happy to
watch the video. Buuuuut we haven't really gotten any solid
investigators from it. Like none. But no worries! We are doing our
best! So I know everything will work out. It's the Lords will.
Holy smokes Mark and Lyndsey got married on Saturdayaturday!!!!!! That was
soooo amazing! There was such a special spirit during the wedding
ceremony. I just thought about the commitment they were making and I
imagined next year when they get sealed together. I'll admit, I cried
a bit, because I was just so darn happy for them. It was so great.
Next week is transfers!! And odds are, I will be leaving. Hey maybe
not! But probably. We've been asked to speak in sacrament meeting next
Sunday. So it's probably just gonna be like a farewell all over again!
Like dad said, I know this Ward just about as much as the one back
home, if not better! I love the people here so much. Through my six
months of service here, I've come to know and love this ward more than
I can put into words. The members here are so special, and I've made
so many friends in this ward that I hope I can stay in touch with
throughout my life.
Elder Cook is almost done with his training! He has grown so much over
these past three months. It's been so cool to watch him learn and to
learn and grow with him. I love that guy so much. It's gonna be sad to
leave him. I wouldn't mind staying with him another transfer. He's
We have a good week planned. We are going caroling a lot and baking
cookies and taking them to people, because that's probably the only
way people will let us in. The members are feeding us on Christmas Eve
and Christmas, so we are well covered there.
Alrighty!  Ahhhhh I will see you on Friday over Skype!:) merry Christmas!
-Elder Francis
As you can see I was pretty much more excited an they were. In their
defense, Lyndsey was still way nervous and I kinda caught them off
guard with the picture.

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