Saturday, December 19, 2015

week 22- Angie's baptism!

Crazy week! We have been doing a ton of finding, and it sadly hasn't
yielded much results in the form of people to teach. We have planted
many seeds throughout the week though, the Spirit has confirmed that
to me, and I am content with that as long as it is the Lord's will.
Besides, I can't really complain much anyway, because ANGIE GOT
BAPTIZED!!!!!!! Holy smokes that was so incredible. Angie was glowing,
her countenance was shining so bright, I could tell more than ever
before that she was made completely perfect through the atonement of
Christ. And it was so special for me to be able to perform that sacred
and life changing ordinance for her. After the baptism, as I was
getting back into my suit, all by myself, I took the opportunity to
speak with my Heavenly Father through prayer, and what a powerful
experience that was. I felt His overwhelming love for me and for
Angie, and I knew that this work is of eternal consequence. The spirit
was so powerful! I returned to the room just in time to hear Angie get
up and bear her simple and powerful testimony. A special spirit filled
the room as she declared her knowledge of the importance of her
baptism, and of the plan of salvation. It was so amazing.
Wow. What an awesome experience. It's days like that that remind me
why I'm here.
We had a visit from Elder Dube from the first quorum of the seventy
this last week. I got to talk with him quite a bit because his son is
at our apartment and in my district haha. We had a mission conference
with him, and that was awesome. It was humbling and inspiring, as
I've been pondering a lot lately on my own spiritual growth and on my
performance as a missionary. I could be doing a lot better, that's a
given by now haha, but I am happier with the work that I have been
putting forth lately. Especially this last week, we have been more
productive with our time, and I've been trying to work harder!
Yesterday at church though, I received the first impression that I
have been focusing too much on myself! Haha there's a shocker! So
throughout the rest of the day, I thought about others. Any time a
selfish thought came to my mind, a replaced it with a selfless one.
Man haha, I was so much happier yesterday! How great would it be if I
could master the attribute of charity. Someday.... But I will make
that a focus over this Christmas season.
I could write for days, but I'm out of time. We are still going strong
on our 40 day fast. The Christmas initiative is better than ever. This
next week is full of finding, so let's hope we can begin to build up
our teaching pool again. I know we can.
Christmas is coming up, so that's pretty awesome. Don't forget to take
time to remember the reason for the season!

-Elder Francis

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