Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Tales from the Hood-week 21

We passed Eduardo over to the Spanish elders this week, so we aren't
sure of his progress. I don't think he will be getting baptized this
Saturday, but he is still keeping his commitments. Angie, however, IS
getting baptized!! As a matter of fact, she has asked me to baptize
her and my companion to confirm her!!! I'm so excited!! It's gonna be
Our next transfers are the Monday in between Christmas and New Years!
The timing isn't the best, but at least I will be here for sure on
Christmas! What will happen after that, I'm not sure!
Lyndsey's wedding is on the 19th! I'm so excited for that too! They
are doing awesome:)

We have been doing a lot of finding this last week, and we have been
using the new video that the church came out with for Christmas called
A Savior Is Born!  You should definitely watch it! And
share it!
We've had a bit of a crazy week this week. In a good way. It's all in
my journal, but for today I'll share one very crazy experience haha.
So we were visiting a potential investigator named Jose. He lives in
the most ghetto part of our area where we generally try to avoid at
night, but it was 8:30 and we had nothing else to do so we decided to
try Jose.
From a distance we see Jose and another man sitting out on his porch.
Jose wasn't wearing a shirt, and they were being really loud, so I
asked my companion his thoughts on whether or not we should follow
through with it. He says, "well we are already here." We see Jose go
back into his place. We approach the porch, and Jose emerges from the
apartment, carrying a rifle. I look on the ground and see half empty
kegs, yes kegs, of beer, and it was at that point that I began to
question our presence there. He greets us, and my companion says, oh is
that a BB gun?" ..... Jose gives a Hispanic chuckle, "jajaja sure
we'll call it that.".... Oh elder Cook.
We get him to put his gun away, and started talking to his buddy,
whose name was Crook. Crook got a kick out of Elder Cooks name,
because they rhymed. He asked for my name, I told him, and he said,
"no way.... Is that seriously your name?" I told him it truly was. He
said, "that's my girlfriend's mom's name. She just died today."
"Man, I'm so sorry." I said.
"Eh that's okay. Why are you guys here?"
We told him that we have a message about Christ. Crook couldn't
believe it. I guess he took me and his girlfriend's deceased mother
sharing a name as a sign from God, so he pulled out his phone, started
recording us, and said, "okay, what's your message?"
We shared the new Christmas video with them and told them about the
importance of Christ's life. Crook recorded it all, and kept on
inviting his buddies passing on the street to come watch with him.
"Come on, these guys are cool!" He would say. So yeah, I'm cool with
Crook and Jose now.
Both Jose and Crook listened so intently. Afterwards they said, "wow
that was beautiful". At that point they each started telling us about
all of the sins they are committing and have committed. Poor guys.
We testified of the power of the atonement to them and got out of
there. After all, we are only 18 and 19 year old Mormon boys from
Idaho. I have no doubt that the Lord was softening the hearts of Crook
and Jose and making sure we were safe. I felt that as we were leaving.
I have been trying so hard lately to be more diligent and obedient in
all that I do. I desire so badly to change and be an effective tool in
the Lords hands. I'm so eager and excited for this special Christmas
season in which I will have the opportunity to come closer to Him as I
spend it all in the service of others. I love being a missionary with
all my heart, and although I constantly wish I was better, I have
faith that the Lord has a plan for me, that He understands my
frustrations and my concerns, and that through the power of His
atonement I can find relief, peace, and hope in a future that is as
bright as Christ Himself. He is my light and my life, and He is truly
the reason for this special season. 

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