Thursday, November 19, 2015

Week 18

This week was another good one! We got a kid named Eduardo on date for baptism! He's scheduled for December 12th.  He isn't quite as solid as Angie is, but I believe that he will be ready by then if he keeps his commitments and comes to church. His parents are Catholic though, and don't speak English, so we aren't really sure how it will all go down. It's a little crazy at this point.
Soooo I have officially acclimated to the weather here.. I went out and bought some sweaters today because I have been getting cold at night, despite it being like 60 degrees.
Angie AND Juanita came to church on Sunday! It was Juanita's first time!! Hooray!!! Hopefully they can both continue to progress towards the waters of baptism.
This last week my companion and I decided to do something called the 40 day missionary fast. It is from a talk called being purified, and it's purpose is just that, to be purified so that we can more fully qualify for the spirit and submit to the will of the Lord in our work. We did the math and because we started yesterday, we end on December 24, just in time for Christmas. It's like our birthday present to Christ! So yesterday we fasted from food and drink. While we were fasting, we wrote down on a personal list all of the things that the spirit prompted us to fast from for the next 40 days. Some items that showed up on my list were, "singing regular/non church music" which I would often do while going about my day, but not anymore. Another was "gossiping" and another was "saying the word gay" which I had kind of gotten into the habit of saying thanks to Elder Dube. 
And that's been my week! Love you so much!
Here I am with Elder Hansen

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