Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Week 17

This week was great! We taught more lessons this week than any other
so far! Our teaching pool is starting to grow and the work is starting
to pick up! Hopefully we can continue to improve and maintain our
level of dedication and diligence, because we have a lot of potential
for this ward over the next 7 weeks of Elder Cook's training.
Despite our incredible successes, this week it was really hard to find
motivation to stay hard at work and continue in our finding and
teaching efforts. There were some days where I did Not want to go out
and find haha, but I can say that I pushed through it and did my best
to work as hard as I could! I might not have had the best attitude the
whole time haha, but we worked hard and it paid off!
Angie Bainbridge accepted the invitation to be baptized this week!!!
She and her mom have decided on December 12!!! How great is that!?!?
Angie is like the smartest 9 year old ever! She just paid attention so
well and answered all of our questions perfectly. She just emanates
the light of Christ, and readily accepted the invitation to be
baptized. Her father, however, is Catholic, and might not approve her
being baptized. So please keep her in your prayers.
So we also had zone conference this week! It was great! I learned a
ton and decided that I need to be more dedicated, diligent, and
consecrated to my missionary purpose! So I am going at it with a
renewed vigor!
And another highlight of the week is that we got to go to the temple!!
There was a temple tour and Mark and Lyndsey came! So we got to go
too!!! I just love the temple soooo much. And even though we just
toured the grounds, the spirit was so strong and sacred. They have
olive trees on the grounds and I got a short opportunity to sit in the
shade of an olive tree and ponder and just feel the spirit. I loved
it. I can't wait till the next chance I get to go to a session. Go as
often as you can!
And that's pretty much how my week has gone! Here are some pictures from our Pday hike and the temple.
-Elder Francis

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