Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Week 16

This week was pretty slow, up until yesterday. We didn't have much
success at all in our finding efforts. It wasn't til yesterday that we
were able to meet with Jorge Flores, and give him the first blessing
he has ever had, and also the Bainbridges, where we set up an
appointment to come teach their family the restoration for this
Wednesday. Hopefully at that appointment we will be able to get Angie
on date for baptism! We also received a referral last night, and they
are already progressing, so we are going over tonight to meet her.
Something that was NOT awesome, was that I got super sick this week.
Tuesday morning I woke up and just felt awful. It was the first time
that I've been sick and had no mother figure to comfort and care for
me. We also had no medicine at the apartment, so I had to wait to go
get some. That day we got up, had elders Dube and Durney come give me
a blessing, and I fell back asleep while my companion studied. After
studies we went out and taught a lesson, came back for lunch and I
took a nap. Then we went out and did finding for several hours, came
back for dinner and I took another nap. Then we went out and taught
some lessons and finally I could come back and sleep. So we have
stayed busy all week despite my sickness. I've been loading up on the
vitamin C and am finally feeling a lot better. It is not fun being
sick on a mission.
We went over to the Cannons last night and shared a message and had
brownies and ice cream! It was a lot of fun haha, they are an awesome
family. Sister Cannon also referred me to a barber shop, which I went
to this morning. She texted the lady in advance and paid for most of
my hair cut so it only cost me 5 bucks!. I also was
able to teach the salon lady a lesson while she was cutting my hair,
and she wants to come to church! Coolio!
My companion is getting better and better at talking to people. Slowly
but surely. We are now 4 weeks into his training, and things are
starting to pick up hopefully. This week should be an awesome one.
Well my 4 month mark was yesterday! Time sure flies! But it also feels
like an eternity haha. I am 1/6 of the way through my mission, and
that feels good to say, but I still have 20 months left!!

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